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Hands-on service

At the end of the yoga class I took tonight, the teacher read a quote by George Bernard Shaw. “I am of the opinion,” he said, “that my life belongs to the whole community, and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.” I resonate so strongly […]

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Being still

It can be the hardest thing, doing nothing. Allowing your mind to race but not chasing thoughts, allowing the urge to fidget but not giving in to movement. I can move my body, but I choose not to move my body. It is this physical decision that paves the way for calm, for when I […]

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Seriously, get a neti pot

As allergy season approaches, the best advice I can offer is to use a neti pot. This simple method of natural cleansing will do wonders for your sinus passages. Firstly, the flow of water assists in the removal of debris, allowing for better breathing. Secondly, the salt in the water kills bacteria, aiding the immune system. […]

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Attitude adjustment

Over the last week or two I’ve been becoming brave. I still have fears and doubts but I am taking action anyway, behaving “as is,” because, well, I am. I am a giver and a teacher and a leader and a lover of life. Yoga is for everyone and I want to share my personal […]

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Anusara sadness

All I knew about Anusara yoga before tonight, I’d read in a NYT article about its founder. I’m a huge believer that alignment is a crucial aspect of asana, if not the most important part of a physical practice, so I liked that the Anusara style puts major emphasis on alignment. I also support the […]

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Teaching for one

Tonight I taught my first class ever! To myself! I ended eleven minutes early and I know I forgot superhero pose and I forgot to offer the bind at the end of left side angle series and I don’t recall offering it all during the crescent prayer twists but whatever, I talked for fifty minutes […]

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Welcoming weakness

I am not supposed to be writing this. I am supposed to be taking a 6 p.m. class and then attending a workshop on consciousness and art and creativity. I have been looking forward to the workshop for a week, and planned to write a post about my (presumably) enlightening experience there. But instead I […]

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Festival of Meditation and Spirituality

I picked up a flyer on the lower east side and thought I’d let everyone else know about this free meditation and spirituality festival. It already started, but there are still events every night this week, culminating in a weekend workshop. The website says reservations are required, but I called and you can just show […]

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Master of my own domain

Just a quick heads up that now when you tell people about my yoga journey, you can send them directly to! The web address with “.wordpress” still works, but I figured my blog title is long enough as it is….  

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Private practice

This evening I took advantage of one of training’s biggest perks: access to an empty studio. An empty studio means that instead of orally rehearsing my dialogue while strolling the streets of Manhattan, I have the opportunity to try my hand at verbal instruction in a designated space, with real-life students, aka fellow teacher trainees, […]

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Going with the flow

One of the biggest differences I’ve noticed between Bikram yoga and vinyasa is something my studio calls “the flow.” Vinyasa encourages fluid movement and you don’t often stay in a pose for more than a breath or two. This, I’m discovering, is a useful and rewarding way to practice, but I’m finding it as initially […]

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Back to Bikram

I realize I pretty much renounced Bikram in a previous post, but I’d like to revisit some of my words. Because while I still have some major philosophical quibbles with the guy and don’t plan to ever attend his teacher training, I’m finding it impossible to separate his yoga from my own. I thought I’d […]

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Just be you

Just be you–how many times have I heard that advice? Feels like it’s a common theme of the last few years of my life, and never more reinforced than this afternoon. Plenty of books have told me how I’m entirely worthy exactly as I am, and I know I’m a unique snowflake, and I’ve heard […]

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Facing failure

It always perplexes me when I leave a yoga class feeling worse than I entered it. Especially because I was in particularly high spirits today. I even had an impassioned afternoon conversation with a coworker who’s considering starting a yoga practice. I (think I) helped her absorb a valuable concept, which is that loud noises, […]

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Words (can) matter

I’ve been thinking about language and definitions a lot lately. A big part of the challenge ahead of me lies in describing yoga postures effectively, in learning how to ask for exactly what I want from my students. It will be my responsibility to safely guide any number of people through an hour-long physical meditation, […]

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Thank goodness it’s only yoga

So my goal with this blog is to share an honest account of my journey. Which is pretty easy to do when I’m feeling positive, as I have been lately. Of course I didn’t think the roses and rainbows mentality would last forever, but I also didn’t expect to feel so overwhelmed after, um, the […]

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A true teacher

I’ve read that when you start to follow your own inner compass and live toward your life purpose that things fall into place with synchronicity. My personal experience in the last few months confirms this assertion, and it’s exciting to feel confident that things will work out, that it’s safe to have faith in the […]

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This is where the training begins

I get my first taste of teacher training tonight, and I am so excited! I am keeping my heart open and my expectations flexible, but after planning for this since November, it’s hard not be tingling with anticipation. What will it feel like to officially be taking yoga seriously? Who are the other people in […]

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YouTube yoga

Tonight I found myself in need of some asanas but without the willingness to attend a yoga class. I’ve spent the last three days with my immediate and extended family, celebrating the 100th birthday of my great-grandmother, and I was awhirl with emotions by the time I returned home. One of the best ways I […]

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A glimpse of Light

Reading about yoga requires attention and concentration. I have the Grammys on in the background in my living room and I really like music, so it’s a struggle not to skim Light on Yoga, even though light reading it is not. And although I may give it more study later later, I suppose my current […]

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Love > fear