Namaste. It’s spoken at nearly every yoga class I’ve taken, but what does it mean? According to Yoga Journal, “Namaste literally means ‘bow me you’ or ‘I bow to you’.” According to Wikipedia, similar translations like “‘The spirit in me respects the spirit in you,’ ‘the divinity in me bows to the divinity in you,’ […]
Bikram backup
I can’t vouch for his morality or spirituality, but I sure do appreciate his sequence, and his yoga changed my life. These are facts, as far as I know. I talked with a friend tonight who has never tried Bikram yoga. I think we’ll take a class together, and I asked her to commit to […]
Tree yoga
I took a teacher training this weekend with Street Yoga, and today I did yoga on the street. Coincidence? Definitely not. In fact, it’s the second time I’ve done spontaneous public yoga since training ended, the first being in a park last night. (Turns out sun salutations feel pretty good even when there is no […]
Surrendering to theft
So, my phone was stolen last night. Not a very yoga topic, I know, but I’m struggling with attachment and surrender, two things yoga helps me with, so, close enough for a blog post. Plus, writing almost always makes me feel better, and I really want to shake off the negative vibe that’s rattling me […]
The bhakti of breakti
“Bhakti” is a Sanskrit word that in yoga means “devotion.” So, for example, the act of loving fully is sometimes described as bhakti yoga. Yesterday I took a yoga class born from the teacher’s love and devotion for break dancing. She calls her style “breakti.” I call it a blast! Keep it real, come correct, […]
Lean in, with love
I have recently been twice inspired by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook. She took me by surprise because, while I am a devoted (read: addicted) user of Facebook, I’ve never been particularly trusting of its leadership. But when a friend forwarded me Sandberg’s commencement address at Barnard University, I knew right away that […]
Minding meditation
So, this would have been the day I wrote about my second successful thirty-day challenge, the one where I not only meditated for ten minutes each day, but also refrained from going on Facebook more than three times a day. But, even though I reported my progress halfway through the month and all seemed to […]
Dharma Mittra, oh my
I tried out a new studio tonight because a yogi in Colorado told me his teacher’s style was influenced by Dharma Mittra. The name was familiar to me, and then I remembered why: One of my friends from my children’s certification program is a teacher at Dharma Yoga in New York. With that connection in […]
Sharing light
I’ve said before that sharing is caring. But in order to share you have to let your own walls down, to be willing to give before you receive. I find this challenging. Not so much the willing to give part–I’m pretty skilled with that. But letting my walls down? That scares the crap out of […]
How to salute the sun
Ever since I started my own daily practice, I’ve been meaning to post about the details of surya namaskar, or the standard pattern of poses that comprise the sun salutation. However, I found a page today that serves as a good resource, so rather than paraphrase, I will just thank Kitty Williams for her work […]
Summer solstice celebration
The longest day of the year. The first day of summer. The sun at its highest and strongest, offering energy for growth and fulfillment. I like all that the summer solstice represents, but I especially like that for the last few years, the summer solstice has meant the opportunity to do yoga in Times Square. […]
Savasana in Times Square….If you can relax here, you can relax anywhere!
Giving service
I was recently recruited by an organization who’s hiring. I was inspired by the opportunity and so I applied, and now I am in the delicious stage where I don’t yet know what’s decided. But I am hopeful, because I believe the job will allow me to serve my country by doing something that I […]
Halfway restraint
It’s Day 15 of my current 30-day challenge (oh, ‘scuse me, I mean “guided retreat”) and I have so far been able to avoid Facebook. Only once or twice have I made all three of my daily allotted visits; there may even have been a day I didn’t check in at all. And I’m okay. […]
I taught yoga to kids!
I taught yoga to first-graders on Friday and I loved it. It’s still too soon to tell, but it would seem my previous prediction, that I would love to teach yoga to kids, is accurate. I tried to write in advance about how psyched I was to get into the classroom–I have a decent draft […]
Delicious hydration (recipe!)
I was browsing the latest issue of Yoga Journal the other day and came across an intriguing recipe for a homemade sports drink. I whipped up an impromptu liter, let it chill, and am now finding it thoroughly refreshing. The recipe called for the juice of a fresh lemon but that wasn’t happening for me. […]
Maybe say maybe
Last night I took part in The Butterfly Effect Tour, with an open mind and a ready heart. As recently as a year ago I would have scoffed at the concept of yoga as community service. I know this because I specifically remember practicing at a meditation retreat last May and inwardly groaning when the […]
Count me in for kirtan!
Kirtan is yoga-centric singing, and I like to sing. In the shower, in the car–wherever I think I can get away with it. Also, I am attracted to mysterious beauty. Thus I spent ninety minutes last night ensconced in a small yoga studio, raising my voice with others in praise, lamentation, and gratitude. It was […]
Facebook face-off
It’s possible that the next thirty days might take longer than a month. After taking a brief break to celebrate my successful attempt at meditating for thirty days in a row, I’m back on course and ready for another round of commitment. But because I am fairly confident I’ll have less of a struggle making […]
300-minute milestone
I just finished sitting still for ten minutes, for the thirtieth day in a row. My first guided meditation retreat is complete! I haven’t written much if anything about my decision to set aside ten minutes a day for the last month, mostly because I didn’t want to jinx myself. I knew there was a real […]